Sunday, February 28, 2010

Production under way....

Trying to get motivated after such a dry spell is difficult at the least. I have been collecting fabrics, papers, embellishments, etc. for some time now. Most of my crafting supplies have been pushed in closets and under counters and just plain "piled up" wherever there was an empty spot. My daughter and I spent Saturday trying to reclaim my stash. We pulled out boxes and rearranged in clear tubs....some organization is coming back to my supplies. Soon, I hope to have my own room for crafting and computer time.

My oldest grandson, Noah, will be celebrating his birthday on March 4th. One of my goals this year is to create and produce greeting cards for my family's birthdays and far so good...I've only missed one. Here is a picture of the card I made Thursday night for Noah. The inside has a pocket to hold his treasure, which is under a huge red X...that marks the spot!
I'm still experimenting with my camera and still trying to learn how to work my blog options....having trouble moving pictures where I want them...I'll keep trying.
Have a great Sunday....Shelly

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Photo of the Week...I made that!


I've been busy today not only learning how to use my new camera, but trying to be artistic and try my hand in card making. I am inspired by Linda of Linda's Crafty Creations, who produces the most marvelous cards...check out her blog site My card is for my special friend's birthday coming up in March....Sorry are my maiden voyage. I snapped this picture before I put the finishing touches on...just imagine a pearl hat pin and pearl buttons with a little glitz here and there. You can't see the wording on the teacup, but it says "Treasured Friend"...I know, I need a lot of practice and ideas on how to put these together. I decided to make all of my greeting cards this year..Ha you think I will make it? Have a great Monday....Shelly

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photo of the Week...Clouds

Since our sky's have been overcast lately and not very interesting, except for the snow flakes, that seem to be daily, and the fact that I still don't have my own camera, I grabbed this shot from my files.
This was the calm before the storm and I mean a storm... it was snapped at a place on Black River known to all as "Chiggerville". Notice the black cloud in the upper left, well right after this picture was taken, mother nature released her of our Ozark storms...everyone went scurrying for cover...another fun day at the river came to an end.
This got me day dreaming about summer time...trips to the river for swimming or just hanging out....enjoying the warmth of the sun...camping, yea sitting around a fire, drink of choice in hand....I can almost be there!!! Leisure time!!!
I'm not coping well with this year's winter weather....can't seem to get adjusted to the cold. Our past several winters have been rather mild compared to this year. The temps have been below normal and we have had more snowy days than I can count. Don't get me wrong, I love the area where I Missouri, just hang around and weather changes quickly and often.....Have a great day....Shelly

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Photo of the Week...Hearts

This was the Lee/Miller homework for the week 2/6/2010 to 2/12/2010. Actually, it was Evy's homework, but it turned out to be a family project, with all of us contributing.... The goal was to make some sort of heart to hang in the school hallway for the yearly Valentine's Party. This beauty, is outlined in glitter and has a boa of feathers as it's border.
I thought this would be a good choice for this week's picture but had trouble loading my pictures Monday. Don't know why...I did everything the same amazes me how each session at the computer can be so different....anyway, this week has been challenging. Evy, my granddaughter that lives in my home, had her tonsils and adenoids removed on Tuesday. What a day...overnight we got about 5 inches of snow and needless to say, the 40 minute trip to Farmington, was about 90 minutes. Traffic wasn't bad at 5 in the morning, and everyone was behaving...just a slow go...I usually don't drive on snow, but I can if needed.
The surgery was a success and Evy did a super good job. Her voice got a little sweeter as did her temperament. Can you tell that she is one of the 5 joys of my life?
Have a great day....Shelly

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Photo of the Week

Snow...Snow...Snow... 8 inches in all. It started with just flurries about 8:00 A.M. on Friday and snowed all day...into the night...and came to an end early Saturday morning. The day turned out to be just gorgeous. The sun was shinning and the road plows had cleared the highway just in time for some playing. We got a call to come join some friends at a dandy playing spot. We call it "at the end of Circle Drive" It's level and just great for what the kids had in mind. Evy, my granddaughter mounded up a snowball for each hand...she was ready....
Ryan, my son-in-law thought he had one up on Evy....I'm not too sure who got who first!!!

Evy enjoyed her turn on a car hood fashioned with a seat. She was buckled in and ready for her ride. The snow just flew as they whizzed though the open fields. I think she wanted to go faster and faster, but the driver kept things under control.

Now for my picture of the week. From the car window and reflecting in the side mirror, Ryan tries to get one over on Evy. Needless to say, everyone came home cold, wet and hungry. Nothing like playing in the first good snow. Really glad that it was such a beautiful day!
Have a great Monday.....Shelly

Great New Blog Site

I've found yet another great talented artist that you need to check out. Her name is Diane Knott and she is fantastic...also has a very teriffic giveaway for Valentine's Day. Pop over and see her won't be disapointed.

Have a great day...Shelly